About Us


Welcome to the website of the Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA). The Association is primarily concerned with promoting discussion and debate of economic issues within Bangladesh.

This website is a resource for members and non-members of the Association alike. It was designed to facilitate communication and/or coordination between Chapters of the Association and to promote economic thought amongst the general public.


The Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA) is the apex body of economists of Bangladesh. BEA is mandated to review the economic and social developmental policies-strategies-programmes independently; conduct fundamental research on emerging areas of the economics discipline and economic development; publish peer-reviewed bi-annual journal-Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy; impart training to relevant teachers-media reporters-bankers; organize dialogue-seminar-conference-roundtable-public lectures on critical issues of economic and social development. BEA forwards recommendations on major policy issues to the government and civil society. BEA organizes high utility professional events both in the capital and at regional levels.

BEA has about 4500 members ranging between top economists in the academia, government, financial and non-financial institutions, business, civil society and people at large in the grassroots. It is united by a elected Executive Committee which is currently comprised of twenty nine individuals. BEA assigns high priority in maintaining ethical, moral, and professional standards. BEA is fortunate in having an elected Executive Committee comprising a good mix of professional economists and practitioners representing men and women from all the regions of Bangladesh.

Professor Dr. Abul Barkat is the current elected President of Bangladesh Economic Association. He is a Professor of Department of Economics and Professor & Founding Chairman of Department of Japanese Studies at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a political economist of high repute and popularly respected as People's Economist. Professor Dr. Md. Aynul Islam is the General Secretary of Bangladesh Economic Association. He is a Professor of Department of Economics and Director, Students Welfare at the Jagonnath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is Professor & Director, Students’ Welfare, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is an enthusiastic social scientist and resource economist of Bangladesh.

It is the explicit purpose of the Association to promote the use of economics within Bangladesh. To further this objective, BEA publishes journals (Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy-English, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy-Bangla and Bangladesh Arthonity Shamity Samoyiki), books and provides additional value to the branches by helping to coordinate national events such as the biennial Conference of Economists and the Eminent Speaker Discussion. There are Chapters of the Association within Chittagong. Chapter operates locally. They are beholden to their members and they seek to promote the use of economics through a variety of means, including but not limited to:

  • Conducting meetings, seminars, conferences and other events which promote economic thought.
  • Publishing material (journals, periodicals, books, briefings, etc.) which encourages the application of economic theory to practical issues.
  • Creating environments in which professionals can meet to discuss topical economic issues.

To get involved with the BEA follow the link of our website. To become a member of the Association, click on our link and follow the prompts for Membership. To view Events scheduled for this year follow this link.


The objectives and goals of the Association from 1974 is:

  • To take initiative and provide encouragement and assistance in the development of education, research and research on economic matters, especially Bangladesh economy.
  • Publication of journals, periodicals, books, briefings, etc. on Economics and Social Sciences.
  • Organization of meetings, conferences and seminars on economic matters.
  • Protecting professional interests of economists.

These objectives have remained unchanged for 48 years, and continue in similar form today.

BEA News

  • Address: 4/C, Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801716418500
  • Telephone: +88 02 222225996
  • E-mail: bea.dhaka@gmail.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Saturday - Wednesday 10:00am to 6:00pm
    Thursday, Friday and Government Holidays Office Remain Closed