Call For Paper

Bangladesh Journal of Politcal Economy

Call for Papers

The Editor of Bangladesh Journal of Politcal Economy invites author/s to submit manuscripts for consideration in this scholarly journal. It welcomes submissions from Macroeconomic issues; beyond GDP; beyond growth; microeconomic issues; micro-macro mismatch; economic sectors and sub-sectors; social sectors and sub-sectors; international and regional connectivity (trade, energy, transport, finance, etc.); poverty (measure, status, dynamics, alleviation policies); inequality (measure, status, dynamics, reduction policies); inequality reducing growth (theory, policy, essence, and pathways); wealth (concentration and measures towards equitable distribution); agrarian reform; financial sector (status, challenges, remedial measures); economic and social development financing; microfinance and microcredit; health (including public health; health and economic impact of COVID-19 and alike); education (including training, skill development, policies); Gender; women; youth; child health and nutrition; economics of elderly people; technology; innovation; entrepreneurship; foreign investment; foreign aid; market and state (various theories and relevance); demographic transition (demographic dividend, etc.); health transition; digitalization; artificial intelligence; climate change; terrorism; religion and development; development as conscientization; neo-liberalism; trickle down fallacy; institutional reforms; corruption; accountability and human responsibility; leadership and development and other related fields of study in social sciences.

General Information

Bangladesh Journal of Politcal Economy (ISSN 2227-3182, http:/ is a peer-reviewed journal published semiannually by the Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), in June and December. BEA Journal has been in publication since 1974. The journal provides a forum for debate and discussion on Economics and Social Sciences issues in national, regional and global perspectives.

Editorial Responsibilities

All publication decisions are the responsibility of the journal editor or editors, who are respected scholars in good standing appointed by the Press or the sponsor of the journal. The editors are tasked with maintaining editorial principles and practices that conform to the conventions in their field. Editorial decisions are made following rigorous, fair, and timely peer review.

Author Responsibilities

Authors submitting an article for consideration in Bangladesh Journal of Politcal Economy published by the Bangladesh Economic Association  must warrant that their work is original and does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of any individual or entity. Authors are required to secure any necessary permissions to include copyrighted material in their article, and to provide any other information required by the editorial office such as disclosures of conflicts of interest or funding sources.


Footnoting and Writing Style of the Bangladesh

  1. The Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy will be published in June and December each year.
  2. Manuscripts of research articles, research notes and reviews written in English or Bangla should be sent in triplicate to the Editor, The Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, Bangladesh Economic Association, 4/c Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
  3. An article should have an abstract preferably within 150 words.
  4. Manuscript typed in double space on one side of each page should be submitted to the Editor. Submission of electronic version is encouraged.
  5. All  articles  should  be  organized  generally  into  the  following    sections:
    1. Introduction: stating the background and problem; b) Objectives and hypotheses; c) Methodological issues involved; d) Findings; e) Policy implications; f) Limitations, if any; and g) Conclusion (s).
  6. The author should not mention his/her name and address on the manuscript. A separate page bearing his/her full name, mailing address and telephone number, if any, and mentioning the title of the paper should be sent to the Editor.
  7. If the article is accepted for publication elsewhere, it must be communicated immediately. Otherwise, the onus for any problem that may arise will lie on the author.
  8. The title of the article should be short. Brief subheadings may be used at suitable points throughout the text. The Editorial Board reserves the right to alter the title of the article.
  9. Tables, graphs and maps may be used in the article. Title and source(s) of such tables should be mentioned.
  10. If the Editorial Board is of the opinion that an article provisionally accepted for publication needs to be shortened or particular expressions deleted or rephrased, such proposed changes will be sent to the author of the article for clearance prior to its publication. The author may be requested to recast any article in response to the review thereof by any reviewer.
  11. The numbering of notes should be consecutive and placed at the end of the artile.
  12. Reference in the text and in the Reference list at the end of article should follow it as below:


i.      Book (one or more authors)

  • Start your full reference with the last name of the author(s) so it connects with the citation; then give initials or first name(s) of the author(s).
  • Year of publication comes next.
  • Next, give the title of book: in italics or underlined (but be consistent throughout your list of references).
  • Finally, give the place of publication and name of publisher.


In-text citation:

(Wilmore 2000)

(Just cite the last name(s) of writer(s) and the year the book was published).


Full reference:

WILMORE, G.T.D. (2000). Alien plants of Yorkshire. Kendall: Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union.

Chapter from an edited book

  • Start with the full reference entry with the last name of the chapter’s author, followed by initials, then state year of publication.
  • Then give name (s) of editor(s). The last name of an editor precedes his or  her initials, to distinguish editor(s) from the name of the writer of the chapter. Indicate single editor by an abbreviation: (Ed.), or editors: (Eds.).
  • State full title of book - in italics or underlined. It is helpful to then give a chapter number.
  • Finally, give place of publication and name of publisher.

Citation: (Nicholls 2002)

(Cite the name of the writer of the chapter or section in the edited book). Full reference:

NICHOLLS, G. (2002). Mentoring: the art of teaching and learning. In P. JARVIS (Ed.) The theory and practice of teaching, chap. 12. London: Kogan Page.


iii. Referencing journal articles

  • Start with the last name of the author of the article and initials of author.
  • Year of publication.
  • Title of article (this can go in inverted commas, if wished).
  • Name of the journal or magazine (in italics or underlined).
  • Volume number and part number (if applicable) and page numbers.
  • References to journal articles dojroMnclude the name of the publisher or place of publication unless there is more than one journal with the same title, e.g. International Affairs (Moscow) and International Affairs (London).




(Bosworth and Yang 2000). Reference:

BOSWORTH, D. and D. YANG (2000). Intellectual property law, technology flow and licensing opportunities in China. Internationa! Business Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp.453-477.

The abbreviations, ‘vol.’ (for volume), ‘no.’ (for number) and ‘pp’ (for page numbers) can be omitted. However, for clarity and to avoid confusing the reader with a mass of consecutive numbers, they can be included, but be consistent. Note how, in the example above, the initials of the first author follow his last name (Bosworth, D.), but precede the second named (D. Yang). This is the practice illustrated by British Standard in their guidelines with Harvard and both numerical- referencing styles, although you may find the guidelines at your institution may differ on this point.


iv. .   Example of referencing an electronic source



(Djxons Group 2004) Reference:

D1XONS GROUP PLC (2004). Company report: profile. [Accessed online from Financial Analysis Made Easy (FAME) database at http://www.bvdep. com/en/FAME. html 13 Dec. 2005].

  1. Reference mentioned in the text should be arranged in alphabetical order and provided at the end of the article.
  2. The Bangladesh Economic Association shall not be responsible for the views expressed in the article, notes, etc. The responsiblity of statements, whether of fact or opinion, shall lie entirely with the author. The author shall also be fully responsible for the accuracy of the data used in his/her manuscript.
  3. Articles, not accepted for publication, are not returned to the authors.
  4. Each author will receive one complimentary copy of The Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy and few off-prints.


  • Address: 4/C, Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801716418500
  • Telephone: +88 02 222225996
  • E-mail:
  • Working Days/Hours: Saturday - Wednesday 10:00am to 6:00pm
    Thursday, Friday and Government Holidays Office Remain Closed