Nutritional and Recreational Benefits of Roof Top Gardening: An Empirical Evidence from the Selected Households of Dhaka City


Sanzida Tabassum

Md. Saidur Rahman

Journal: Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy

(pp: 385-394) | Doi No: http:/



Rapid population growth, migration, and poor  urban  planning  of  Dhaka  city resulted in an unhealthy and fragile environment, alarming to the city  dwellers. This study aims to provide information regarding rooftop gardening’s nutritional, recreational, and other aspects. The study was conducted in 50 households in Dhaka metropolitan city through a direct interview method with a structured questionnaire. Tabular techniques and some statistical measures like semi-log regression were used. The study’s objectives were addressed through Descriptive statistics and the Cobb-Douglas production function model. House type, area of a rooftop garden, the experience of rooftop gardening and variety in rooftop garden significantly affected the net return from rooftop gardening. The primary purpose of rooftop gardening considered by rooftop garden owners was passing leisure time and psychological health improvement. Rooftop gardening is the number one choice as recreational activity of the significant sampled garden owners. Rooftop gardening has improved rooftop garden owners’ mental health, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. Lack of time, inadequate soil nutrients, and proper guidelines were the major drawbacks for the rooftop gardener. However, people of Dhaka city are leaning toward Rooftop gardening, and they are better scope to spend their time after the COVID-19 pandemic.




Md. Anishur Rahman


+88 02 222225996


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