Provision for Lifelong Employment: A Means of Earning Sustainable Livelihood


Kazi Muzafar Ahammed

Journal: Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy

(pp: 297-318) | Doi No: http:/



This article advises individuals to tighten their grips with lifelong employment and income and have overall control on expenditure for their sustainable livelihood and generate start-up capital for their future generations. This article speaks for creating better employment than the amassment of wealth. Man is born to work refrain from which may disrupt his sustainable livelihood. In the economy, some people are raised above others in ranks so that some may employ others in their work, which opens up employment opportunities. Most people start their lives with capital that has been set aside by their ancestors. This article advises including individuals into the workforce till they can work to obtain more benefits in their lifetime for earning income for their sustainable livelihood and generating start-up capital for the next generations. Provision for lifelong employment in decent work reduces vulnerabilities of all. It is also a fundamental human right that should be opened to all, regardless of age, place, time, or person. Human resources are vital because they can make management decisions and supply the necessary workforce. This article aims to capitalise on human resources as workers by imparting employability skills for getting and keeping employment throughout life. This article supports the extended family as a source of start-up capital for offspring and safety nets for old aged people and dependents of family and economy. Therefore, administrators, planners, and policymakers are urged to look into it for policy intervention for individuals’ lifelong employment and income.




Md. Anishur Rahman


+88 02 222225996


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