Dynamics of Dichotomy and Conflict in Religion and Education: Historical and Current Context of Bangladesh


Kazi Sameeo Sheesh

Journal: Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy

(pp: 475-494) | Doi No: http:/doi.org/10.56138/bjpe.jun2230



Along with the Indian subcontinent, Bangla can be called home to a diverse practice of religion. The people of the ancient Bangla had different beliefs   and offered worship in various ways. This study aims to overview the spread  of the major religions and their political and educational dynamics in this region. This paper covers five sections: Religious Demography in Bangladesh, Dynamics of Dichotomy and Conflict in Religion: Historical and Current Context, Islamic Discourses in Bangladesh, Education System and Religion    in Bangladesh, Religious Education and Conflict in Bangladesh. Historically religious texts and customs, the sense of purity, and priests played a role in shaping the power structure for livelihoods. During the pre-Aryan period, social divisions were drawn along professional lines in this territory. After   the Aryan infiltrated Bangla in the first millennium BCE, the caste system    was introduced. There remains historical evidence of the dichotomy between language-based Bangali nationalism and religious practice in this territory from Pre-Aryan (before 1500 BCE) to the Pre-British Period (1757CE), in which conflicts remain elusive. It reflected the existence of class division and strategies to justify the oppression of people in Bangla. This paper stresses the issue of (non-) access to education for an oppressed class of population and  its potential for conflict. Describing the conditions between religious identity and education, conflicting factors, manipulation of texts, denial of education, segregated education to ensure inequality and lowered esteem prevailed  here.



Md. Anishur Rahman


+88 02 222225996



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