Challenges for Sustainable Development and Health: Rapid urbanization, inclusive growth and smart and sustainable cities in Bangladesh


Haider A. Khan

Journal: Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy

(pp: 1-38) | Doi No: http:/



The main purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and consequences -- in particular, the policy implications -- of the ongoingurbanization in Bangladeshwith particular emphasis on the health conditions. Like many other Asian developing countries, a rapidly increasing share of the population of Bangladesh migrates to urban centers in search for employment opportunities outside agriculture in industrial enterprises or the services sector. For the first time in its history, the urban population is growing faster than the rural population, At the same time, the labor force in non-agriculture is growing faster than the labor force in agriculture. But the employment opportunities in either sector are not growing adequately. The congestion, lack of infrastructure, inadequate provision and inequitable supply of health services are affecting the disadvantaged adversely. This paper attempts to analyze the emerging trends and patterns of urbanization and prospects for building the institutions and infrastructure for smart, inclusive and sustainable cities in Bangladesh within a dynamic framework with a strong emphasis on rural- urban migration and the informal sectors. The analysis pinpoints, among other things, from the social capabilities perspective, the need to build up productive and equitable delivery capacities in the health sector.



Md. Anishur Rahman


+88 02 222225996


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