BEA Webinar 12

12 Oct 2022

Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA) is the apex body of economists of Bangladesh. BEA is mandated to review the economic and social developmental policies-strategies-programmes independently; conduct fundamental research on emerging areas of the economics discipline and economic development; publish peer-reviewed bi-annual journal-Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy; impart training to relevant teachers-media reporters-bankers; organize dialogue-seminar-conference-roundtable-public lectures on critical issues of economic and social development. BEA forwards recommendations on major policy issues to the government and civil society. BEA organizes high utility professional events both in the capital and at regional levels.

BEA News

  • Address: 4/C, Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801716418500
  • Telephone: +88 02 222225996
  • E-mail:
  • Working Days/Hours: Saturday - Wednesday 10:00am to 6:00pm
    Thursday, Friday and Government Holidays Office Remain Closed